Service Users Design Our New Banner

Our service users love Arts and Crafts at Granville House. It’s one of the many activities you can get involved in at our Skills Service. When the task fell to them to design a new banner for Supportability they jumped at the opportunity and designed this wonderful rainbow.

Using paint, scissors, glue, creativity and all the arts and crafts utensils under the sun they drew round their hands and painted the hand prints and stuck them onto a large banner in the shape of a rainbow. The actual piece is 5ft by 4ft and hangs on the wall in Granville House. We loved it so much that we went down and took photos to digitise it and now use it at all our fundraising events. So next time you see it remember that this was made by the members of our Service User Forum and members of Skills service at Granville house and it was a VERY fun process!

The idea behind it is that everyone is different, but when we come together we can be something beautiful!
