London Marathon

If you have been lucky enough to secure a place in this year’s London Marathon and have not yet chosen your charity to support….look no further.

This truly iconic marathon is the largest annual fundraising event on the planet! It has raised over £1 billion for good causes since it began in 1981. If you want to be a part of this fantastic legacy please choose Supportability and raise those much needed funds to enable those with a disability to live a fulfilled and independent life.

Please note that Supportability currently does not have any charity places in the TSC London Marathon and all runners were notified if they have been successful in securing a place via recent communications from TSC London Marathon. If you were successful in the ballot please let us know at

We know fundraising can be a little daunting alongside training and everyday life and the fundraising team are here to support you with hints, tips and ideas to enable you to achieve your target. You will be provided with a Supportability t-shirt and we will share, shout, sign and follow your training, fundraising and race via our social media channels.